
Tuesday 10 March 2015

Welcome to my weight loss guide. I created this website in order to provide an honest guide for people who want to lose weight and keep it off by making a lifestyle change that can be maintained and is actually enjoyable rather than torturous.

What I've learnt over the years is that the best way to lose weight and keep it off is to make a lifestyle change that is comfortable to live with. I’ve also learnt that any lifestyle change that feels like punishment, WILL NOT WORK!

Crash diets also do not work. And even if you do take off the amount of pounds you had hoped to, it is bound to come back once you stop the diet. Now remember you were on a “crash diet” so you’ll eventually have to stop that diet or you won’t be able to function physically.

Crash Diets are Stupid

So the idea is to determine what works and gradually incorporate it into your lifestyle until it becomes a part of you. I’ve seen this method work for many people.

Some people have always struggled with excess weight and eventually it becomes a real issue and for many a turning point when their weight becomes a medical problem and their doctor tells them they must take the weight off, or else.

At this point a few people I’ve personally known over the years decided to make a complete lifestyle change instead of relying on unsustainable crash diets and extreme almost ‘insane’ work out routines. And the results were quickly noticeable and ultimately astonishing!

Whenever you consider your personal situation with excess weight, don't let anxiety and panic cause you to starve yourself thinking that this will bring you desirable results. You should recognise that your body is currently accustomed to storing fat so if you start to starve yourself it is going to hold unto that fat for energy and so you will not lose weight without seriously damaging your health. Instead recognize that the solution is to eat the right things at the right time. This will result in less stress and ironically it will result in much quicker weight loss that is permanent. Your weight loss plan should be a lifestyle change and should not be powered by fear and panic.


Losing weight is a holistic approach. Now when you think of that word “holistic” it might sound scary. It sounds like you’re going to have to do a lot of things all at once and its going to be overwhelming. But the truth is it’s easier to approach weight-loss from a holistic perspective.

You don’t view your lifestyle change as something you have to struggle through to take off weight. You view it as a new way of living that you can be excited about. Do whatever it takes to get yourself into this mindset. This includes deciding when and how often you will allow yourself to indulge in the most fattening foods you once enjoyed.

 Yes, I just said that.

Part of the problem with dieting is the rigid restrictions that we often place on ourselves. This is usually due to desperation. We have a strong desire to get rid of the weight once and for all and so we make up our minds (one more time) to go all-out and make it happen. This is a determination that we cannot maintain. And you know exactly what I’m talking about. Why is that? It’s because you had put too much pressure on yourself and made too much of a drastic change without thinking it through.

Your approach to weight loss should center on a desire to change your way of life forever in a way that is sustainable, enjoyable and exciting!

Start replacing fatty and sugary foods with healthier foods that you enjoy. Reduce the amout of sugary drinks you consume and start doing very mild exercise at first. This is how you start to train your body to adjust its metabolism and to start utilizing stored fat as an energy source.

As you gradually reduce these less healthy foods, you’re dependency on them will subside and they will be less addictive. There are very specific foods that are beneficial for replacing junk food and knowing when to consume them is also important. The proper approach will help to increase your metabolism and prime your body for losing excess fat.

One of the problems many people face with difficulty losing weight is that their body has been trained to store fat rather than use it. Of course eating the wrong things at the wrong time is a major factor, lack of exercise is also a factor. But your body’s internal behavior is the factor that is most often ignored and therefore your diets and exercise never work because your body is not primed to respond in the proper way.

It’s like someone who needs nutrients but whose intestinal walls have been damaged such that they no longer absorb nutrients from food. In a situation like that, even if the person ate all the healthiest food in the world in the largest volumes possible, he/she would never gain the full benefit of that food. He would need to get his body to properly absorb the nutrients to begin with. One suggestion I can give is to do a cleanse. Yeah, I know nobody wants to do a cleanse. But the assumption is that you have been eating badly for a long time and this therefore causes toxins to build up in your body which then affects every chemical reaction needed to keep you healthy. Even a one day cleanse can help to wake your metabolism up and give your body the drive to start shedding excess weight.


This involves getting your metabolism to work for you rather than against you. For women, this can be an issue, especially if a woman has had children relatively recently.

The primary function of our metabolism is simply to provide the right amount of fuel (at the right time) to keep our bodies alive and functioning properly. It accomplishes this through a complex series of chemical reactions whereby food is converted to the energy we need. When we eat, the food we swallow enters our digestive tract and is broken down by digestive enzymes. Carbohydrates are converted to glucose, fats to fatty acids and protein to amino acids.

Once these nutrients are broken down, they are absorbed by the bloodstream and carried into the cells of the body. Our metabolism then works to either release these nutrients as energy, use them to build and repair lean tissue or store them for later use.

What Affects Metabolism?

Your metabolic rate, or how fast or slow your metabolism works, is influenced by a number of factors:  

Genetics: yes, metabolic rate is also inherited. Sometimes this makes an entire world of difference between a person who can eat almost everything and not gain an ounce and a person who easily balloons after indulging just once.

 Age: the younger you are, the faster your metabolism is. Metabolism slows down as you age. Women’s metabolic rate starts falling at the age of 30; for men, decline starts later at the age of 40.

Gender: men have a faster metabolic rate—usually 10-15 percent faster—than women because their bodies have a larger muscle mass. Muscle plays a key role in a fast metabolism, as will be discussed in exercise portion of "The 3 Week Diet".  

Amount of lean body mass: as already mentioned above, more muscle = faster metabolism.  

Diet: some foods will help you-some will only harm you. While timing is not everything, meal frequency greatly affects your metabolism.

Stress level: stress is inversely proportional to metabolism. !e more stress you are subjected to, the lower your metabolism will be.

Hormones: specific hormones metabolize specific nutrients. How well the hormones work, then, directly affects metabolism. To a certain extent, diet and stress levels affect the hormones involved in metabolism, as you will find out later. Hormonal disorders or imbalances can affect metabolism as well.

Looking at all these factors that influence metabolism, you now probably have a general idea of what you need to do to increase your metabolism—accept the things you cannot change, and work on those that you can!

A “fast” metabolism is the true secret to maintaining a lean body.

One very effective weight loss guide that focuses heavily on getting a woman’s body to respond to weight-loss efforts by increasing metabolism is The Venus Factor, another is The 3 week diet. The Venus Factor is a very well know weight loss guide for women which is very comprehensive and proven to be effective. Learn how raising your Leptin levels can push your body into a fat burning frenzy.

If you're a woman, struggling with weight issues, this is the only guided method I recommend. Take a look at it and consider giving it a try. It comes along with a 60-day trial period and a  money back guarantee. Stick to it closely and you will see results.

The guide I mentioned above is geared directly at the female body. Yet much of the issues that women face are also faced by overweight men. A sluggish metabolism is often linked to weight gain in  men as well as women. The concept remains the same. You need to get your body to start metabolising fat and of course help it along with moderate exercise.

For many men, they don't just want to lose weight, they also want to gain muscle mass and to define those muscles. As it turns out losing weight and building muscle goes hand in hand for both men and women.

A little bit of strength training helps to keep the body lean and can help tremendously with fat burning. Aerobic exercise is well known to cause weight loss. However anaerobic exercise can be just as important, especially for men. This is why I say they go and in hand. So bear in mind that you will need to do moderate anaerobic workouts to help keep the fat off.

Now back to the main issue at hand. This is the same thing that I've been talking about all along. It's getting your body primed for burning fat. I'm not talking about eating less food or limiting yourself to just one type of food. That is a stupid idea. I'm talking about figuring out why you're metabolism is slowing down and how you can speed it up. Cellular inflammation is a precursor to many diseases but is also a major factor in chronic weight gain.

Reducing cellular inflammation by eating the right foods at the right time and complimenting it with moderate exercise is always going to be your best solution. This is why I insist that weight loss is a permanent lifestyle change. Excess weight is often a sign of an unhealthy body. This may end up catching up to you eventually, causing various illnesses and even death. Of course excess weight may not cause premature death in your case but it will almost invariably hamper your sense of wellness which usually present as feelings of fatigue and lack of energy.

A very good fat burning guide is the 3 week diet. It sounds like a crash diet but there is actually much more to it than the ads suggest. If you ignore the hype and focus on the guided strategies outlined, you will start to feel a difference in your energy level as well as seeing a gradual weight loss that you can measure. This is because you are addressing hormonal imbalances, cellular inflammation and other internal issues causing your body to hold unto fat. Once these are addressed and with a more healthier diet and moderate exercise, you will start to see incredible results.

Learn more about the 3 Week Diet below...

These weight-loss guides are simply the best that you can find and they both come along with a 2 month money-back guarantee.

At the speed with which these weight loss methods work, you'll be seeing dramatic results well before the end of 2 months, and you'll be seeing results that are permanent as long as you stick to your new lifestyle. Which you'll be absolutely excited to do on account of your encouraging weight loss and on account of all the compliments you'll receive from people who are noticing that you are losing weight. It will become addictive just as certain types of food were once addictive to you.

So go ahead and take the 2 month trial, if you don't like it ask for your money back. But I guarantee that if you stick with it, you will change your life forever.

Now enjoy your weight-loss journey and I wish you the very best!    

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